Acupuncture Council Of Medical Sciences Lucknow North

Our Courses

Sub Title

Our courses

Some Descriptions

Aims & Objects :

To Provide Health & Education for All.

 To help in employment Programme.

 To Help Family planning Programe.

To organise seminars, Conferences and publish Research Material for benefit of people at large qualified and other.

To prevent diseases with the help of Medical Education.

To save mankind for abuse of toxic medicine and their irreversible side effects.To popularise new method in masses.

To provide sound education to the student in different type of education the various institution all over in India.

To open and establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support or aid and help in the setting up the different kind of school, colleges lecture halls on different type of education.

To in list the Doctors / Medical Practitioners and provide a plateform for the betterment and discussing on various type of medicine.

To help the student / Members to develop their talents and abilities to under take challenging responsibilities in their own life.

 To meeting, Press- conferences and other lawful gatherings